So when I came to Utah to live about 5 years ago there were so many things that were new to me. Coming from Rexburg to Salt Lake there are so many changes. A bigger city, more people, nice weather, more book stores (in Rexburg all I had was the library), more parks, concerts,….anyway I think you get the idea. However, there is one last “new” I would like to share. In Idaho where I live when it come to radio stations we have a few...none of which I think are that great. When I came to Utah it was like opening a whole new universe of radio frequencies...with every turn of the dial a new voice, a new song. It was awesome! For a while I would just put my radio on seek/scan and just sit in awe as I was able to stay entertained for minutes on what was on the radio. So many was hard to be loyal to just one station. As I saw my friends settle down with one radio station or another I found myself not ready to commit. So I went on going from one station to another hoping to find one that would make me stop in my tracks and pull me in. It wasn’t until one morning early, very early, I found "the" station. I was skimming through the channels going from 104.3 to 106.7 getting annoyed at the selections when my dial stopped on 105.3. It was about 6:15am and I was headed to work when I found it. Known to many as the boring National Public Radio, to me, it was love at first listen. There is a great program on NPR called the Bryant Park Project. It goes from 5-7am and is hilarious (to me) and informative about current news as well as interesting useless facts.
How do I know I’m addicted?
Well, I find myself sometimes getting up earlier than needed so that I can listen to the NPR: Bryant Park Project on my way to work….then I discovered their website ( and find that I can listen to their show anytime. No more early mornings for me.
I realize this might not be a radio station that just anyone would love (only the chosen) please don’t tell me if you don’t like it. However, I would encourage you to take a listen and see what you think. But as for me….
I am addicted to sad.
Too bad my alarm clock isn't set to NPR. Ooh well, I dare you to change it!
Good idea...didn't even think of that.
It's a good thing that you can now go to the website to listen anytime since you no longer listen to it in your (my) car. =0) Thanks again for everything!!! I was hoping to see pics and the new blog but I know it's been a long day with a bunch of activities for you. Hope your sister and you had a good time! Tell her goodbye for me and tell her she needs to come back for the DesNews 10k if she can. =0) Love your guts!!!!
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