
Freedom is not always fun...

Ok so I have been out of school for exactly one week and I have never been so bored in all my life. I know what you are thinking...just get a job. I can't find one flexible enough for me :) I need one that will let me leave whenever I want and pay me good and let me work outside...and is ok with only hiring me for two months. Any ideas? Well, I have decided that having my summers off is not all its cracked up to be...especially when all the people I do stuff with are working. And I think deep down get somewhat jealous at my new acquired not be jealous. In the last week I have spent more time at the store buying whatever. If anyone ever has a day off call me!! And remember people...freedom is not always fun.


Wendy said...

You caught me, I'm Jealous! But I do enjoy the lunch visits! So I just noticed on the picture of you and Kristina and your parents you and T are both wearing my skirts. Did you know immitation is flattery!

Jon and Melissa said...

Oh have I got a job for you. You can come and stay with us, babysit whenever I need you to, be outside all day with the kids,have as much freedom to come and go as you want, and here is the best part: be paid in Jamba's! Oh yeah and two month is just fine with us!

JaNae said...

Hey don't be surprised if I do come up and stay awhile...I can take the kids to the pool and go hiking. Plus, I absolutely love jamba's...especially Logan jambas:)

Michelle said...

I will definitely enjoy you coming to Logan. We could have a week sleep over -- you can come stay at our new house. You could even have your own room :) remember how fun sleep overs were when we were younger -- they are even more fun as adults! Now there are kids to play with and more places to go. I would love it if you came and stayed with us for a while. Not to mention Oscar would be overjoyed and Ellie would probably show off some of her cute new smiles.

Jess said...

I guess I should have read your blog today before that email.....I am still jealous! Go golfing!!! You don't need others for that. :)