
United States Trivia... Happy 4th of July people!

How well do you know the country you live in and it's history? I give a quiz every year in my 8th grade history class about the United States and most of my students pass....let's see how you do.

1. Who wrote the Declarationo of Independence?
2. How many stripes are on the American Flag? (bonus: What do they stand for?)
3. What is the name of our National Anthem?
4. Who are the presidential canidates for the upcoming election?
5. Name the first 10 order. (believe it or not kids can do this one)
6. Who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation?
7. Why did people come to America in the first place?
8. What are our unalienable rights? (hint: list three)
9. Who said, "Give me Liberty or give me death?"
10. Can you say the "Pledge of Alliegance" from memory?

Can you answer these? 99% of American's can't...if you want to enroll in my 8th grade history class feel free....pretty sure there will be some open seats. Oh and I do give private tutor sessions to those who need to brush up on their utah studies and geography knowledge.

ps. Will post answers to questions on next post

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So...I guess that I might be stopping by your classroom when I am in the neigborhood to catch up on my US history. :)