
Sick of seeing me?

I put this post in just so my head is not the first thing you see when you come to my blog. Annoying!

School has begun and once again I have the BEST students ever. So good and respectful! I love working at Westlake. These are the times I would just like to thank Kandis for telling her sister-in-law to put in a good word for me at her school. Where would I be without that moment?


Lindsay said...

What! Never! I really don't get to see you all the much...speaking of seeing...Corey and I were thinking about going bowling this Sat...ya wanna come?

Sweetness! Good to hear that you have an awesome group! ;)

Ahhh! Already at work and thinking about when the next break is. Tee hee hee! :)

Michelle said...

Of course we aren't sick of seeing you -- I think you should post some pics of you and Tina -- especially since Tina doesn't update her blog!

Maybe some pics of Craig would be nice too...

But pictures of you are always a lovely site so don't worry.