So this is my first tag ever...not sure how I feel about tags. Especially as i'm sitting outside in my car, where I had to drive down the street and around the corner to "steal" my internet I need to post it. The things you do for your older siblings. Love you sister Michelle!
Ok lets get started:
1. Four Songs I loved as a child and still adore.
Wow I really need to think about this one. I used to LOVE to watch the Mickey mouse club and I know they had cool songs, but I can't remember any of them. My dad I think taught me a song titled "My name is Yon Yonson" I used to sing it all the time. Sometimes I still do. That is a good one. I'm not even sure if it's a real song, but it reminds me of my dad.
I really like "The Rose" by Bette Midler. It never gets old. I know it's a lame song for most people but I really like it for some reason. I feel all good inside when I hear that first line, "Some say love...."
I remember when my sister Michelle introduced me to Celine Dion...what a great moment. Celine sings a great song, "Water from the Moon" absolutely LOVE it. Two concerts and many late nights of Celine and I still love her voice and her music.
I'm not sure what constitutes "when I was a child", but when I was in junior high my brother introduced me to the Indigo Girls and I have loved them every since. They sing a great song "Least Complicated"...if you love to sing in your car by yourself this is the song for you.
This last one I have absolutely no idea who sings it but I love it the most of any church song ever made. "I heard him come". I really really really like it. I have met people who don't like it and I understand that but I usually don't like that person anymore. :)
2. Four friends I had when I was little and still keep in contact with.
What does keep in contact with mean? I have a few friends from that time in my life....but only keep in contact once every year or so. Thank goodness for facebook and blogging.
Connie Clements: really was a great friend lived down the block, but I haven't seen her in years, but I text her everyone once in a while. That counts?
Krista Francis: I had lunch with her last summer, she was going to set me up with a friend this last summer.
Megan Leatham: recently married my old home teacher, we text/email/see eachother on occasion.
My family: I spent many many many days with great brothers and sisters who I would almost rather be with than any of my friends while I was growing up.
I've noticed great people and friends come into your life all the time. Some phase out eventually but all have had major influences in my life!
3. Four weaknesses that I had as a child and still have now.
Who came up with this part of the tag....dumb. Ok here it goes....
When I was little I loved sugar. I would eat it all the time. I would even sneak and have some ice cream at nights to fulfill the craving. Which I think leads to me not liking ice cream much now. But I still LOVE sugar and go through my little cravings even when I'm 29. Which leads to my attempts to go "off" sweets a few months of the year.
When I was little I was shy. So shy that it almost made me sick to think of going to a first day of school and not knowing where my friends were or being in a class where I didn't know anybody. Thank goodness for my mission and college that forced me out of my comfort zone. Even though now I love to make friends and meet new people I have a very hard time doing it alone. I get really shy and come up with excuses why I shouldn't do something. Good thing I have two great roommates who help me in this area more than they know.
Growing up all my brothers and sisters can atest that I always had to have the last say. It's still true to this day. I really try to keep my mouth shut and just listen, but for some reason, which I really hate, I can't sometimes. I'm doing better, but sometimes I wish that I would have been born without a mouth.
Growing up I felt I was super overly sensitive. I would let some little things bother me and then I would feel super bad. And because I felt so sensitive I wouldn't want to confront a person or a situation due to the fact that I would feel so awkward. Still to this day I do that. I stay away from certain people or situations because I don't want to be hurt or hurt. I think this is a major problem since it keeps me away from people and things I care about and need. (wow that was a little more serious, sorry folks)
4. Four strengths I had as a child and still feel like I have now.
This is better....
I felt I was good at being athletic. I could always catch on pretty quickly to most things. Plus, I really like them. I was born between two boys who liked sports and I really think that helped me to like them too. And I had parents who encouraged me to play and would come watch me. I still remember playing soccer when I was little and my dad said for every goal that i scored he would give me a candy bar. One day he had to buy me 3 candybars and probaby teach me not to be a ball hog anymore. I think it really helped me develop a love for working out and feeling healthy.
I loved to read. Growing up I love to read....I would read all the time. There are so many good books out there and I still love reading. I wasn't always good at it, but now the best feeling is knowing you have some good down time to read a good book.
I like seeing people happy. When I was little I really tried to hard to be happy so that the other people around me could feel it too. I almost made a game out it. I would tell myself when I was sad...."Is it really that bad?"....or my mom taught me once that, "If we really want to do something we can do it. We just have to work for it." I wanted to be happy. Growing up sometimes it was hard to remember, but really there are so many reasons to be happy. When you're sad just think of one or two. Most of my goods thoughts come when i think about my family.
I loved making goals. I think my sisters got me into this. I love feeling like I am in control of my own life. Goals do that for me. Plus, its a good way to feel connected to other people when you make goals together. Good memories making goals with my sisters.
5. Four people I want to tag:
Well I don't really have four people I want to tag....all the ones i wanted have already been tagged. Yvonne have you been tagged...and Wendy my roommate. That would be fun!
Great job! I loved reading about your songs and everything. I remember Yon Yonson ... I have wondered if that song is an actual one or not ... hmmm?
It was fun to see you and Tina last weekend. I wish you guys lived closer and I could see you more often.
I like the tags because I get to know things I never knew about you. By the way I love the song I Heard Him Come It is one of my fav. too I cant believe people do not love it. Love reading the blog.
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