Just before christmas I purchased some sweet snowshoes. One might say, "why didn't you wait so you could get them for christmas?". I have discovered lately that I have become what I have always dreaded....an impulse buyer. However, I have recommitted to being frugle. My roommates would laugh....I just bought two tankinis, a guitar tuner, shoes, boots, and numerous other items. In my defense they were all on sale due to the outrageous after christmas deals. What am I going to do with my money next? Put every penny in the bank!
ps. I know in that last picture I look somewhat like a marshmellow man, but I'm pretty sure Wendy had her camera on "short and fat" mode. Seriously Wendy think of my feelings....
enjoy your money while you have it I always have said... sometimes I miss my single days of carefree spending ... at least you are purchasing some things you'll continue to use after marriage.
and don't worry if you don't think that picture is the most flattering -- I for one know that you are in super good shape, just ran a half marathon, and take super good care of your body. You are the one afterall who inspired me many years ago to get in shape. Having two kids has been tough on my body but thanks to you I actually enjoy working out lately. thanks janae for many great sister bonding moments. I also thought it was nice you posted another pic of Brittney and Kenton. Good job!
Finally a good post! I love the snow shoe purchase and think it was a wise one. Fun and a work out (did I just use those two words together?) I think you are one of the frugle, but not too frugle ones in the family. A nice mix. See you soon
Spend your money guilt free on yourself while you still can. Once you get married it goes to everything and everyone but you. Plus you can always spend it on a trip down to Arizona to visit me.
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